Students in Primary and Middle School can not access M or M+ rated videos.
Library staff will do their best to give appropriate ratings to videos when we upload them. If there is something you believe is not appropriate for your students please the Library Desk the details and we will usually be able to reclassify it.
Videos from TV: If you've recently seen something you like on free-to-air TV you can look for it on ClickView and add it to your workspace or our Libraries. You can request ad-free versions too! Email the Library Desk for help with anything
Videos from the Exchange: You can find a video on the Exchange and 'Add to Your Library' (this alerts the library staff who will upload it to the Library tab within a day or so. If you need it urgently please phone 323 to speak to our Library Technician).
Videos from your device: You can go to your workspace and upload your own video). Please make sure you own the copyright for anything you add though.
What is an Interactive Video? It has questions and comments attached to various points within the video that your students can interact with. To access student answers see 'analytics'.
Optional: Watch the tutorial: How can I create an interactive video?
Step 1:Find your video in the Library (if it is not there, get it added first)
Step 2: Go to the 'Interactive Video' tab and select 'create a new interactive video'
Step 3: Choose a place in the video to add an interactive element. navigate to it and then select an option from the menu.
Step 4: review, publish and share your video.