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What is NAIDOC Week?

National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.

You can support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held across the country. 

What does NAIDOC stand for?

N - National

A - Aboriginal


I - Islander

D - Day

O - Observance

C - Committee

(information from NAIDOC Week website)


Little Kids, Big Talk - NAIDOC Week

NAIDOC Week - The Wiggles

Reconciliation Tasmania - NAIDOC Week events

NAIDOC Week Poster 2024

Poster title

Urapun Muy


Deb Belyea


‘Urapun Muy’, from the Kalaw Kawaw Ya dialect of the Top Western Islands of the Torres Strait, means ‘One Fire’. The title of this work pays homage to Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people everywhere, as we all have that one fire: our passion for our culture.

In this work, I have depicted the hands of our ancestors that have carefully dropped a burning ember on to a fire. This ember burns hot with intensity, stoking the flames, as it combines with the new fire. The linear detail shows the energy and power as cultural knowledge is transferred from our ancestors to us today. Culture is the fire that gives us knowledge, wisdom and purpose.

It is our responsibility to maintain, practice, and pass on our fire to our future generations.

Afterall, Culture keeps us Blak, Loud and Proud.

(information from NAIDOC Week website)


Little J and Big Cuz - Parade

S3 Ep 4 Parade: The kids worry that the NAIDOC beach parade will be a disaster if they’re unable to march to the same beat.