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Lunar New Year: All Guides

Lunar New Year 2024

My Family Dragon

A glorious celebration of love, family and the Lunar New Year.

I can't wait till the dragon gets here!

It's New Year's Eve - the Lunar New Year. We are in Australia, but Bàba says people around the world have celebrated it for thousands of years. It's my very favourite time. Especially when the dragon is coming.

A gorgeous story that celebrates family, tradition and the magic of the season.

The Race for the Chinese Zodiac


A long time ago in ancient China, the Jade Emperor, ruler of heaven and earth, held a great race between the animals. He declared that the first twelve animals to cross to the other side of the mighty river would have a year named after them and thereby be forever immortalized on the Chinese Zodiac.

The animals lined up on the shore eager to begin. Some chose to race honestly. Others were more devious. Some helped their friends along the way, while others raced alone. Some were distracted, while some focused with all their might on winning.

But thirteen animals raced for only twelve places on the Zodiac.

Who would come first? And who would miss out?

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New Year Surprise

Little Brother is told by his brother and his friends that he’s too small to help out at the Spring festival. He’s not strong enough to hold onto a kite, and too little to hold the dragon poles. But Father says that he has a special job to do. What can it be?

He knows it’s not hanging the lanterns up, as Father has already done that.

He knows it’s not choosing the treats from the hawker as Father chose the duck.

He knows it’s not serving tea or lighting fire crackers as he did that last year.

Follow Little Brother through the village to find out what his special job is.

Year of the Dragon

Which animal are you?

Video Resources

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Other Teaching Resources

The library has a range of beautiful picture books and simple non-fiction titles about the Lunar New Year and other international celebrations.  The library also has a collection of Chinese language books for use in the classroom and by families.

Twinkl also has some great resources including ebooks, photo resources and heaps of great craft activities.

During the first two weeks of school, there will be craft activities on offer in the library at lunchtime.