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Ebooks and Audiobooks: MS and SS ebooks and audiobooks

A guide to sources of ebooks and audiobooks

Audiobooks and Ebooks

Hutchins OverDrive Digital Library: sign in with your Hutchins username and password to access ebooks and audiobooks. Download the Sora app to download your books.

Wheelers ePlatform: ebooks and audiobooks for primary through to secondary students.

Students need to have their username and password to sign in for borrowing books. 


Britannica School: an online encyclopaedia for students. Excellent for the student who loves finding out about things.

Students must sign in with their Hutchins username and password to access the complete articles.

Comixology - free comics collection, often the first volume in a series. The rest of the site has comics and graphic novels for purchase.


Libraries Tasmania has a variety of eLibrary services. Visit their eLibrary page to access ebooks and stories, newspapers, journals, comics, magazines, music, films or to learn a new language!

You need a current Libraries Tasmania membership number. If you don’t have a membership, you can join online.

Temporary Free Access

Audible Stories: Audible is offering a selection of stories free to stream online – no downloads.


Sync: free audiobooks for teens. Sign up to receive one new audiobook per week. Uses the Sora app from OverDrive.

Junior Library Guild online ebooks: choose which level you'd like to explore, and click on through to read in the browser

Open Access book databases

Project Gutenberg: thousands of books digitised for your reading enjoyment

Many Books: an eclectic mix of classics from Gutenberg and contemporary self-published works. Searhc by genre or language

Open Library K-12 collection from the Internet Archive: huge range of books available for free - sign up to access. You may need an ePub reader to manage some files - try BlueFire Reader (Apple or Android) or Adobe Digital Editions but all books can be read in the browser.

Stories via YouTube

Matt Stanton's Funny Drawing Show: from the author and illustrator of Funny Kid is a weekly YouTube show teaching children how to draw simple cartoons.

Authors sharing books

Author interviews from the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge - explore the interviews from 2017, 2018 and 2019 to see all your favourite Australian authors and illustrators talking about their books, reading parts of their stories, and showing how to draw their characters.