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Online safety: Online Safety for Parents JS 2

Provides information and tools to help you stay safe. This Guide also provides tools for parents

Australian Government Resources

Parents' Cybersafety Toolbox
ACMA (Australian Communications Media Authority) provides a range of resources for parents of children and teenagers to assist them in staying safe online.




This link provides a variety of places to seek help if a cybersafety issue arises. 



This brochure provides comprehensive information on how to protect your student while he is online.

Stay Smart Online
A great site for families to monitor important changes with security and safety using the internet at home.

Digital Citizenship Skills and the Curriculum

Programs addressing digital citizenship, Internet safety, and dealing with harassment online and cyberbullying for Years 3-12 are conducted by teaching staff and student leaders both in class and Mentor/House time.  The program features web based classroom resources for students, year group student-led forums and a series of parent interest and information evening shared with our co-operating schools.  Dates and keynote speakers forthcoming in 2013 will be progressively advised in the Communique.

Today, our students live in an increasingly technologically rich world online - phoning friends, instant messaging, emailing, chatting and blogging (or social networking), web surfing, gaming and downloading. Whilst these activities can be positively opening up new worlds of information, interests and experiences, recent media attention focuses on the misuses, risks and dangers of inappropriate content, online bullying, online gaming addiction, and copyright violation and plagiarism. The media focuses on new styles of cyberbullying -whether anonymous or identifiable, in groups online or offline and alone, where it involves the use of phones and internet web2.0 media sites, for behaviour that is designed to intimidate another, cause loss of self confidence, or fear and apprehension, such as with 'flaming' messages or cyberstalking. 

Identifying strategies for the appropriate use of ICT and social networking tools is a joint student, teacher and family responsibility in The Hutchins School community. An intervention program, based upon national guidelines and best practice is conducted at the School.  It is integrated across the curriculum and include features of the Australian Communications & Media Authority's (ACMA) Cybersafety Outreach program with units of work for digital media literacy and positive online behaviour. 

Dr Jill Abell, Director of Information Services & ICT

Resources to Assist in Keeping Your Student Safe Online

Digital Parenting Magazine
A free online publication produced by Vodafone, aims to assist parents in understanding what their child is doing online and provide strategies to assist them in educating their child in responsible internet usage. - Living in a Connected World
Victoria's Ivanhoe Grammar School has an exemplary blog for cybersafety for families.