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Science: Alternative energy sources

Online and print Science resources.

Books in the Stephens Library

This is just a small selection of books available in the Stephens Library. Browse the catalogue or shelves at Dewey Decimal number 333 to find more.

Starting your research

An encyclopaeida is a good place to start your research as it will provide you with a broad overview of your topic. Britannica Online will also provide you with related websites.

A dictionary can help you understand any new terms and help you create useful keywords. Dictionaries are located at the Dewey number 423 or use the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

Educational videos

These short videos provide a good introduction to energy.

Energy and the environment - click the link to see the third video.

Online Resources

ABC Splash
Search this site for information and videos about different energy sources.

Energy (Australian Government)
Access information about different energy sources.

Energy Resources  (World Energy Council)
Provides good information, graphics and statistics regarding global energy use.

Behind the News (ABC)
Search for articles on particular energy sources using the search box.

Search Engines

For additional information, try using one of these search engines. 

Kidtopia is a student-friendly version of google.

Fuse for Primary Students
An Australian Search engine, particularly useful for locating information about Australia.

Useful Hutchins guides

Use this guide for assistance with referencing and also helps your find Creative Commons images.