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Referencing: Images, graphs and tables

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Referencing images, graphs and tables

To include an image, graph or table in your work:


If you reproduce an image, graph or table in your work, you must:

Number each image, graph or table in the order that they appear in your work as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc

Provide a caption with the title or description (not in italics) below it, followed by the author-date information in brackets. E.g. Figure 1: A Child's Garden of Verses (Smith 1905).

The in-text reference should include the page number if available:

We can see a child in the Figure 1 illustration ‘A Child’s Garden of Verses’ (Smith 1905, p. 98).

Reference list:

Reference each image, graph or table according to the type of resource it comes from:

Rule for an image within a book: Author Initial/s Year, ‘Title/Description of figure’, in Initial/s Author or Organisation, Title, Publisher.

Smith, JW 1905, 'A Child's Garden of Verses', in M Jones Poetry for Children, Oxford Press, London. (JW Smith is the creator of the picture 'A Child's Garden of Verses', M Jones is the author of the book Poetry for Children)

Rule for an image located online: Author Initial/s Year, Title, Publisher, accessed Day Month Year, <URL>.

Smith, JW 1905, A Child's Garden of Verses, Wikimedia Commons, accessed 25 March 2021.



Monash University 2022, Images, graphs, tables, data sets - Citing and referencing - Subject guides at Monash University, viewed 01 March 2023, < arvard2020-figures-data>

University of Tasmania 2022, UTAS Harvard, University of Tasmania, viewed 01 March 2023, <>.