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Year 7 Art - Modernism: De Stijl

Guide to provide resources supporting year 7 unit on Modernism and Modernist Artists

What is De Stijl?

The Hague

The Hague (Kunstmuseum den Haag) - an art museum in the Netherlands - celebrated the centenary of De Stijl and its artists with an event program including the following exhibitions:

Piet Mondrian and Bart van der Leck: Inventing a New Art

Mondrian to Dutch Design: 100 years of De Stijl

Mondrian & De Stijl


The Hague's collections of De Stijl and Mondrian artworks can be viewed online via their website.

Piet Mondrian

The following resources contain information about Piet Mondrian's life, inspiration and greatest works:

        Piet Mondrian – Britannica (Schools)

        Piet Mondrian - Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum

        The Discovery of Mondrian – The Hague 

        Piet Mondrian – Artnet

        Piet Mondrian – Netherlands Tourism 

        How Mondrian Won the Art World with Just Three Colours

        Piet Mondrian: An Abstract Painter from the Netherlands

        Piet Mondrian (Dutch Artist) - Britannica

Piet Mondrian: Dutch Painter (Overview and Artworks) - The Art Story 

      An overview of the artist and his accomplishments. This page also includes links to a full biography, his artistic legacy, important  artworks, and links to additional resources, including videos, websites, articles, and more. 

Piet Mondrian – The Life and Works of the Famous Color Block Artist

“Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow” Piet Mondrian – On Abstract Art

Theo van Doesburg

Short biographies of Theo van Doesburg:

Theo van Doesburg – Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum

Theo van Doesburg – Artnet

Theo van Doesburg – Britannica

Theo van Doesburg – Netherlands Tourism

      Learn about the artist’s life and works; his influence on modern art, architecture, and design has left many traces in Holland and beyond.

Avant-garde Apostle: Theo van Doesburg - TATE

      In conjunction with the Tate Modern’s exhibition Van Doesburg and the International Avant-Garde: Constructing a New World, this essay examines the artist's career and the key role he played in the international exchange of ideas of the early twentieth-century avant-garde.

Theo van Doesburg (Overview and Artworks) – The Art Story

      An overview of the artist and his accomplishments. This page also includes links to a full biography, his artistic legacy, important  artworks, and links to additional resources.

Bart van der Leck

Bart van der Leck - Netherlands Tourism 

        Discover more about the artist's life, works, and contribution to modern art history.

Bart van der Leck - Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum 

        A brief biography of the artist.

The Birth of De Stijl, part two: Bart van der Leck - Art Forum 

        An Art Forum article containing a detailed biography, and information about the artist's career, works, and relationships with other artists of the De Stijl art movement.


De Stijl is also referred to by the term 'Neoplasticism'.