When searching for information for this topic from, for example, Google, the Library catalogue or EBSCOhost, try a combination of the following search terms:
industrialisation, industial revolution, convicts, slavery, history, transportation, immigration, Australia, migration
Check the History folder in our ClickView Online library for a few videos relating to the movement of slaves and convicts.
While Explora provides many articles that may provide too much detail for your needs. Try narrowing your search by only including the publication History Today that provides good articles on all regions, periods and themes in history. Alternatively, if you search for Convicts, you will find a couple of good encyclopaedia articles on this topic.
Enslavement and Industrialisation - BBC History
Examines the contribution slavery had to18th century Britain as it was becoming industrialised.
Slavery in America (History.com)
Provides a good outline and video of the foundation and spread of slavery in America.
The Slave Trade (SchoolHistory)
Provides a large number of links to resources that discuss different aspects of the slave trade.
Convicts and the British Colonies in Australia
Provides basic information regarding transportation of convicts and their experiences.