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Modern History: Rights and Freedoms (Year 10)

Provides access to general resources that support the Modern History curriculum for Years 9 and 10

Books in the Nettlefold Library

Below is a sample of books available in the Nettlefold Library. Browse the library catalogue to find additional print resources.

Search tips

If searching a database or the internet, try using a combination of the following search terms:

Australia, Civil rights,Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Suffrage, Indigenous Rights, Stolen Generation, Day of Morning

If using Google, try using the Advanced Search option, add the term Australia to the site or domain limiter to restrict your search to Australian sites. When searching for a phrase such as 'Day of Mourning' use this exact word or phrase limiter.

Online resources

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations)

Australia and the Universal Declaration on Human rights (Australian Human Rights Commission)
Provides a brief discussion regarding Australia's role in the formation of the Universal Declaration.

Collaborating for Indigenous Rights 1957-1973
Provides comprehensive information regarding the struggle for Indigenous rights in Australia. Provides excellent biographies on the people involved in the struggle of Indigenous rights.

Australian Aboriginal History (Creative Spirits)
Access detailed information regarding Aboriginal history, including the struggle for rights.

Rights and Freedoms (ABC Education)
Access a range of multi-media resources that cover aspects of international and Australian civil rights.

Australian Dictionary of Biography
Provides concise information about significant Australians. Useful for researching people who played a significant role in Australia's civil rights.

Fight for Rights
Covers the rights of workers, the indigenous and women, but does have a Victorian focus.

Newspapers, magazines and journal articles

To obtain articles suited to your year level, exclude journal articles from your search using the options on the left hand side of the screen.