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Modern History: The Environmental Movement 1960s - Present

Provides access to general resources that support the Modern History curriculum for Years 9 and 10

Books in the Nettlefold Library

Search Tips

If searching for information using Google or the library catalogue, try using a combination of some of the following search terms in the Advanced Search option:

Environmental Activism, Environmental Movement, Australia, Timeline, History, Environmentalism, National Parks

Internet Resources

Environmental Movement (ABC Splash)
Access a variety of videos that explore the envrironmental movement in Australia.

Australian Environmental Activism Timeline (New South Wales Government)
Provides an outline of environmental events that have shaped Australia's environmental movement

National Parks Movement

U.S National Parks - in the Beginning (National Geographic)
Provides a brief outline of the formation of national parks in America.

The Development of a National Parks System in South Australia (South Australian Government)
A detailed summary of the history of the national parks system, but is specific to South Australia.


Wilderness Society (The Companion to Tasmanian History)
Provides a brief discussion of the history of this society.


Library Databases

Check the Globalisation folder in the History section for relevant videos in our ClickView Library.

Britannica provides a good outline of the history of the Environmental movement. Use the key word Environmentalism to locate this article.