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Modern History: Popular Culture (1945 - present)

Provides access to general resources that support the Modern History curriculum for Years 9 and 10

Books in the Nettlefold Library

Below is a sample of books available on this topic. Search the library catalogue to locate other books.

Search Tips

Try using a combination of the following search terms using the Advanced Search option when locating information using Google or a library database:

Popular Culture, Australia, Post World War II, Radio, Television, Film, Sport, Influences, Impact, Beliefs, Values, Heritage, National Identify


Internet resources

The Power of Radio in the 1930s (iTunes)
Listen to this three minute podcast about the impact radio had on popular culture.

Interactive Timeline (Australian Screen)
A great archive of Australian films, documentaries, television programs, news reels, short films, animations, and home-movies produced over the last 100 years. Use the Title tab to browse according to one of the above categories.

Film in Australia (Australian Government)
Provides a brief outline of the history of the Australian film industry. fi

The First Wave of Australian Feature Film Production: From Early Promise to Fading Hopes.
This PDF document provides a summary of the history of Australian film. The timeline at the end of the document provides a good summary.

Animation in Austalia
Provides a brief outline of the history of animation in Australia.

Popular Culture Post-War (ABC Splash)
Provides a variety of videos that examine popular culture after world war II.

People Culture Lifestyle (Australian Government)
Provides a description of the Australian people, culture and lifestyle.

Pearson History 10
This online chapter provides and excellent discussion of the changes and influences on Australia's popular culture since World War II

Australian Identify (Australian Government)
Discusses different aspects of the Australian identity such as food and drink, folklore, national dress and the outback.


Browse the Globalisation folder within the History section of our ClickView Library to access a variety of videos that examine popular culture in Australia.